For immediate release
Annapolis Police Chief Joseph Johnson has high praise for the Bay Ridge Gardens Resident Council Association and Management Team for working closely with the Annapolis Police Department.
"They are directly responsible for the quick arrests made in the two latest homicides in Annapolis," said the Chief.
The two homicides occurred on the same block and involved people who did not live in the community. Five residents of Bay Ridge Gardens were witnesses to both homicides and all five immediately identified themselves as potential witnesses. They assisted police investigators, identified the crime scene to technicians and helped with recovery of additional evidence. Many of the witnesses to the first homicide testified before the Grand Jury regarding the case.
"These actions were unprecedented," said Chief Johnson. "And I hope they continue."
"Greater citizen involvement can greatly reduce the potential for criminal activity," the Chief continued. "Citizen involvement sends a clear message that communities will not tolerate illegal activity within their boundaries."
Chief Johnson went on to discuss the challenges his Department faces policing the Public Housing Communities in Annapolis.
"A review of recent crime statistics indicates that 4 of the 6 homicides that have occurred in the City during 2007 happened on or near public housing. Many secondary and regular duty police officers responded to these incidents. The large number of officers working in and around public housing has resulted in a decrease in violent crimes on those properties. Both the victim and the suspect the latest homicide had previously been arrested for drug offenses and were banned from public housing properties. However, criminals from those areas are spilling into surrounding areas and Bay Ridge Gardens seems to be one of the communities being affected. The Annapolis Police Department is aware of, and working on, the problem. Once again, we want to make it clear that we applaud the sacrifices the citizens of Bay Ridge Gardens made in coming forward to assist their police department and we hope it becomes an epidemic."
Members of the Annapolis Public Safety Committee-a standing committee appointed by the Mayor to review legislation and make specific recommendation on ordinances that effect public safety-also praised the community action. The current committee is made up of the Chairman, Alderman Dave Cordle, along with Aldermen Ross Arnett and Sheila Finlayson. Chairman Cordle said that he encourages citizen involvement on all levels within the public safety arena, particularly violent crime and quality of life issue crimes. Alderman Finlayson recently attended a public meeting at Bay Ridge Gardens and congratulated the citizens for their efforts and listened to their concerns.
Mayor Moyer also applauded the citizens of Bay Ridge Gardens efforts and said,
"It takes all of us- the public, elected officials and the police department- working as partners to make our community safe. These quick arrests reflect the excellent work of the Annapolis Police Department and the success of our continuing Neighborhood Watch efforts. They are a real-world example of how people getting involved can help make our City a safer place to be."
Ray Weaver
Public Information Officer
City of Annapolis